Fiona: “I kick myself for leaving it so long before I called for myself”

Fiona: “I kick myself for leaving it so long before I called for myself”

As the Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Advisor for Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, Fiona Prew is no stranger to signposting people to the Charity to help them with their recovery. But when hit by a car while riding her bicycle and left with potentially life-changing injuries, she admits it took her longer than it ought to have done for her to consider asking for help herself.

Paul: “I realised recovery isn’t an overnight thing.”

Paul: “I realised recovery isn’t an overnight thing.”

Realising recovery from surgery couldn't be an overnight fix was the biggest lesson Sheffield Crew Manager Paul Holbrook took away from his time with The Fire Fighters Charity. That and how much he appreciated having his family around him to cheer him on.

David: “I’m determined to get more out of MS than it gets out of me”

David: “I’m determined to get more out of MS than it gets out of me”

A lightweight wheelchair paid for by the Charity opened up doors for former Fife firefighter David Leeson that he never thought were possible. From coastal rowing to representing his country at Wheelchair Curling, David says he is seeing and doing things he never thought he would when he was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 20 years ago.