Les: “You’ve made me feel like I haven’t been forgotten”

Les: “You’ve made me feel like I haven’t been forgotten”

Retired Lancashire Firefighter Les Monkman is one of several Brits who have found themselves stranded abroad during the coronavirus lockdown. A Type I Diabetic, Les was running out of life-saving insulin and shared his story with the BBC, which is how we heard about his plight and reached out an offer of help.

Linda: “I have achieved all I was aiming for, and it’s all thanks to you”

Linda: “I have achieved all I was aiming for, and it’s all thanks to you”

Linda Alcock thought she would never be able to walk again after neurosurgery left her unable to lift her chin off her chest without intense pain. She said all she wanted was to be able to see planes in the sky. Now, thanks to the care and support she received at Jubilee House, she is able to see the stars.