Adam: “I know I’m a very lucky person for surviving.”

Adam: “I know I’m a very lucky person for surviving.”

Fifteen years ago Adam Bruce survived a motorbike crash that should have killed him, but was left with life-changing injuries. Now the former Scottish firefighter is a familiar face at Jubilee House and has a special place in the hearts of its Nursing Team

Angela: “We were all there with a common bond and looked after each other”

Angela: “We were all there with a common bond and looked after each other”

Nervous at meeting strangers and unwilling to discuss the factors that led to her breakdown, firefighter's partner Angela Bell was reluctant to accept the offer of a stay at Harcombe House. But the friends she made became her support network in more ways than she could have imagined, and restored her faith in humanity.

Donald: “I’m more mobile now”

Donald: “I’m more mobile now”

Donald Johnston, a Community Safety Advocate for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service visited Harcombe House in Devon to receive help for a problematic knee that affected his everyday life.