Cathy: “Coming here means you don’t feel so alone”

Cathy: “Coming here means you don’t feel so alone”

Cheshire firefighter's wife Cathy McBrion was just 53 when she had a stroke while at the wheel and life changed in a matter of seconds. Now she has become a familiar face at Jubilee House, somewhere that she says has brought her out of her shell when her confidence was all but lost.

Mark: “I shouldn’t have waited until I was burnt out before contacting you”

Mark: “I shouldn’t have waited until I was burnt out before contacting you”

For former RAF firefighter Mark Latham, the combination of a near-fatal accident and traumatic incident while deployed in Afghanistan left him struggling to cope. He waited to ask for support because he felt like he didn't deserve help, something he says he regrets. But since visiting Harcombe House, he's happier and healthier than he has been in years.

Richie: “Any regrets? Only that I didn’t go sooner”

Richie: “Any regrets? Only that I didn’t go sooner”

Hereford and Worcester's West District Commander Richie Jordan suffered in silence with lower back pain and sciatica for years before approaching the Charity. He shares what a difference his visit made to his overall wellbeing.

Ludo: “It’s all come together. I’m very honoured.”

Ludo: “It’s all come together. I’m very honoured.”

Retired Dorset and Wiltshire firefighter Ludo Macaulay has been recognised with an MBE for a lifetime of service to his community and The Fire Fighters Charity, after spending nearly 50 years supporting causes closest to his heart.