Put pen to paper to boost your mental wellbeing
Welfare Services Lead Carrie Pearce explains how ditching technology and writing a letter to someone you care about can have major benefits on your wellbeing.
Welfare Services Lead Carrie Pearce explains how ditching technology and writing a letter to someone you care about can have major benefits on your wellbeing. As restrictions start lifting ahead of summer, we may fall back into old habits of rushing around on autopilot. But mindfulness could be just the thing you need to help maintain a sense of peace. Continuing our Living Well: Healthy Lifestyles programme, we're making a commitment in the Charity to spend March working more movement into our daily routines. We've created indoor and outdoor versions of a scavenger hunt designed to get your family moving and spend some time together that doesn't involve any discussions about home schooling or what to have for tea. Is there someone at home you couldn’t do this without, who you’d like to recognise for the role they play in your support network? Let us help.
Put pen to paper to boost your mental wellbeing
How can mindfulness help you cope with lockdown lifting?
Move in March: work movement into your routine
Getting families moving with our half term scavenger hunt
Send your ‘rock’ a message of love this February