How you can access Welfare self-referrals at centres
Beneficiaries staying at our centres can self-refer for a session with one of our Welfare Caseworkers during their time with us.
Beneficiaries staying at our centres can self-refer for a session with one of our Welfare Caseworkers during their time with us. What impact can physical exercise have on mental health? Jubilee House Exercise Therapist Gayle Robinson explains how getting moving can help you cope with depression. As we're halfway through our Bag It and Bank It textiles recycling campaign, here are ten surprising facts you may not know about our textiles habits, and how we can all do our bit to help the planet as well as The Fire Fighters Charity. Harcombe House Exercise Therapist Jamie Perryman discusses healthy alternatives to carbohydrates that won't leave you craving white bread and pasta. Five-time 'Bag it and Bank it' winners Egremont Fire Station share their top five tips on how to collect more than 11,000 KG of textiles in just one month.
How you can access Welfare self-referrals at centres
Using physical activity in the treatment of depression
Ten surprising facts about our textiles habits
How to get carbs right and cut the cravings with healthy alternatives
Bag it and Bank it: Top tips from Egremont Fire Station