The NHS is still here for us
Nursing Services Lead Kath Savage is here to remind you that the NHS is very much “open for business” if you need medical help don’t be afraid to seek it.
Nursing Services Lead Kath Savage is here to remind you that the NHS is very much “open for business” if you need medical help don’t be afraid to seek it.
Lead Practitioner Tom Stone and Senior Exercise Therapist Rachel Rees have some tips for improving our home work stations and share why it's so important to work movement into your daily schedule.
Attend Anywhere allows our physio team to recreate the face-to-face experience beneficiaries receive in our centres. We use the software to assess your condition, create a personalised programme of exercises and monitor how well they're working for you.
Retail therapy releases a feel-good hormone that is similar to that released during exercise, but too much of it can have drastic long-term effects on our wellbeing, not to mention budget.
As the Charity's Communities Lead, Clare Hannaford knows the importance of talking to each other. Here she explains why picking up the phone and calling someone who makes you happy could be the best thing you'll do for yourself all day.