Ian: “You helped me find the bravery to change my life”

Ian: “You helped me find the bravery to change my life”

After 20 years in the fire service, Ian Richards says he was burnt out. But time spent with The Fire Fighters Charity helped him find the strength within himself to realise a life-long dream. And now he spends his days enjoying the peace and serenity of a small plot of land in the south of France.

Les: “You’ve made me feel like I haven’t been forgotten”

Les: “You’ve made me feel like I haven’t been forgotten”

Retired Lancashire Firefighter Les Monkman is one of several Brits who have found themselves stranded abroad during the coronavirus lockdown. A Type I Diabetic, Les was running out of life-saving insulin and shared his story with the BBC, which is how we heard about his plight and reached out an offer of help.