Linda: “I have achieved all I was aiming for, and it’s all thanks to you”

Linda: “I have achieved all I was aiming for, and it’s all thanks to you”

Linda Alcock thought she would never be able to walk again after neurosurgery left her unable to lift her chin off her chest without intense pain. She said all she wanted was to be able to see planes in the sky. Now, thanks to the care and support she received at Jubilee House, she is able to see the stars.

Jamie: “This was our torch to hold up against the darkness.”

Jamie: “This was our torch to hold up against the darkness.”

Six months ago, Berkshire firefighter Jamie Reeve's brother was hurt in an incident and remains in a critical condition in hospital. In the months that followed, our Welfare Services team have supported the family as they come to terms with their uncertain future. And when the coronavirus threatened their wedding day, Jamie and his partner, Charlotte, took matters into their own hands and got married in their back garden, just the two of them.

Carla: “I hope Jim is proud of me. I like to think he is.”

Carla: “I hope Jim is proud of me. I like to think he is.”

It has been 11 years since Hampshire firefighters Jim Shears and Alan Bannon were killed in a fire in Shirley Towers, Southampton. For Jim’s widow, Carla, running and fundraising for the charity that supported her family in the aftermath of the tragedy became an important part of her healing.