Norman: “You make my wife feel like a queen during her visits”

Norman: “You make my wife feel like a queen during her visits”

Asking for help is not an idea that comes naturally to Norman Meechan. A Scottish firefighter who spent 31 years with the service, he had always thought he could manage by himself without having to trouble anyone. But when his wife, Shonah, had a stroke and he later developed Parkinson’s Disease, it took him having a nervous breakdown before he realised how important it is to let others help you.

Dave: “It was like finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel”

Dave: “It was like finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel”

For someone who has spent 16 years struggling with poor mental health, former County Durham firefighter Dave Henderson couldn't imagine ever feeling better. But being invited for a week at Jubilee House opened his eyes to what life could be like if he started to think a little more positively.

Mark: “You have to enjoy your achievements where you can”

Mark: “You have to enjoy your achievements where you can”

When Waddesdon Watch Commander Mark Richards was hit by a drunk driver while driving his motorcycle in 2016, his life was changed forever. Now, two years after the incident, his future as a firefighter remains unclear. But he is grateful for the progress he is making, thanks to his time with The Fire Fighters Charity.