Linda: “I have achieved all I was aiming for, and it’s all thanks to you”

Linda: “I have achieved all I was aiming for, and it’s all thanks to you”

Linda Alcock thought she would never be able to walk again after neurosurgery left her unable to lift her chin off her chest without intense pain. She said all she wanted was to be able to see planes in the sky. Now, thanks to the care and support she received at Jubilee House, she is able to see the stars.

Cathy: “Coming here means you don’t feel so alone”

Cathy: “Coming here means you don’t feel so alone”

Cheshire firefighter's wife Cathy McBrion was just 53 when she had a stroke while at the wheel and life changed in a matter of seconds. Now she has become a familiar face at Jubilee House, somewhere that she says has brought her out of her shell when her confidence was all but lost.

Adam: “I know I’m a very lucky person for surviving.”

Adam: “I know I’m a very lucky person for surviving.”

Fifteen years ago Adam Bruce survived a motorbike crash that should have killed him, but was left with life-changing injuries. Now the former Scottish firefighter is a familiar face at Jubilee House and has a special place in the hearts of its Nursing Team

Norman: “You make my wife feel like a queen during her visits”

Norman: “You make my wife feel like a queen during her visits”

Asking for help is not an idea that comes naturally to Norman Meechan. A Scottish firefighter who spent 31 years with the service, he had always thought he could manage by himself without having to trouble anyone. But when his wife, Shonah, had a stroke and he later developed Parkinson’s Disease, it took him having a nervous breakdown before he realised how important it is to let others help you.