Norman: “You make my wife feel like a queen during her visits”

Norman: “You make my wife feel like a queen during her visits”

Asking for help is not an idea that comes naturally to Norman Meechan. A Scottish firefighter who spent 31 years with the service, he had always thought he could manage by himself without having to trouble anyone. But when his wife, Shonah, had a stroke and he later developed Parkinson’s Disease, it took him having a nervous breakdown before he realised how important it is to let others help you.

David: “I’m determined to get more out of MS than it gets out of me”

David: “I’m determined to get more out of MS than it gets out of me”

A lightweight wheelchair paid for by the Charity opened up doors for former Fife firefighter David Leeson that he never thought were possible. From coastal rowing to representing his country at Wheelchair Curling, David says he is seeing and doing things he never thought he would when he was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 20 years ago.

Angela: “We were all there with a common bond and looked after each other”

Angela: “We were all there with a common bond and looked after each other”

Nervous at meeting strangers and unwilling to discuss the factors that led to her breakdown, firefighter's partner Angela Bell was reluctant to accept the offer of a stay at Harcombe House. But the friends she made became her support network in more ways than she could have imagined, and restored her faith in humanity.