Les: “You’ve made me feel like I haven’t been forgotten”

Les: “You’ve made me feel like I haven’t been forgotten”

Retired Lancashire Firefighter Les Monkman is one of several Brits who have found themselves stranded abroad during the coronavirus lockdown. A Type I Diabetic, Les was running out of life-saving insulin and shared his story with the BBC, which is how we heard about his plight and reached out an offer of help.

Cathy: “Coming here means you don’t feel so alone”

Cathy: “Coming here means you don’t feel so alone”

Cheshire firefighter's wife Cathy McBrion was just 53 when she had a stroke while at the wheel and life changed in a matter of seconds. Now she has become a familiar face at Jubilee House, somewhere that she says has brought her out of her shell when her confidence was all but lost.

Emma: “I just thought ‘I need to be part of this’.”

Emma: “I just thought ‘I need to be part of this’.”

Emma Hughes has just become our first Charity Ambassador, a new voluntary role that aims to increase awareness of The Fire Fighters Charity. And it's all in memory of her dad, Graham, a firefighter with Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue, who passed away in 2003.

Ben: “It’s not a weakness to ask for help”

Ben: “It’s not a weakness to ask for help”

When work-related stress saw Ben Fildes' childhood dream of being a firefighter come tumbling down around him, he was at breaking point. Afraid he would be told to 'man up' for talking about his feelings, two weeks spent at Jubilee House taught him not to be afraid to ask for help. Ten years later, he reflects on how far he has come.