Paul: “I realised recovery isn’t an overnight thing.”

Paul: “I realised recovery isn’t an overnight thing.”

Realising recovery from surgery couldn't be an overnight fix was the biggest lesson Sheffield Crew Manager Paul Holbrook took away from his time with Fire Fighters Charity. That and how much he appreciated having his family around him to cheer him on.

Terry: “You’ve given me a much more positive attitude”

Terry: “You’ve given me a much more positive attitude”

Former member of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue's support staff, Terry Dickens, became negative about life and wasn’t the person she used to be after being diagnosed with depression. Here she talks about how a visit to Harcombe House has helped her.

Katie: “I proved the doctors wrong”

Katie: “I proved the doctors wrong”

Crew Manager Katie Love snapped her anterior cruciate ligament but defied the odds to make a recovery and get back on the run, with a little help from Fire Fighters Charity.

Peter: Our beneficiary of courage 2015

Peter: Our beneficiary of courage 2015

Station Manager Peter Lau suffered a life-changing spinal injury when his bike collided with a car, leaving him in a wheelchair. In 2015 Peter received the Beneficiary of Courage award at our Spirit of Fire awards.