• Your home phone number
  • Your mobile phone number
  • Enter your personal email address i.e. NOT your work email address.
  • Please enter organisation that referred you to The Fire Fighters Charity ( benevolent fund/charity, trade union etc.)
  • Please tell us a little bit about why you need support
  • Consent Clause

    • • I declare that the information I have provided is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and undertake to inform you of any changes in my circumstances that might affect my application
    • • I understand that the information I have provided will be used to process this application
    • • I understand that if I am offered rehabilitation services I authorise Fire Fighters Charity to inform my referring organisation and share my name with them.
    • • I understand that if I am not offered rehabilitation services I authorise Fire Fighters Charity to inform my referring organisation and share my name with them.
  • Please tick the box below to confirm you have read and agree to the above consent clause.
  • Fire Fighters Charity processes personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Policy. For full details of how the charity processes your data, please see our Privacy Policy.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Once you press ‘submit’ you will receive a confirmation email and a member of our team will contact you during our office hours: 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday.