24-hour contact numbers

Reception (for calls between 8am and 6.30pm): 01903 736063.
Security (for calls between 6.30pm and 8am): 07966 374394.

Accidents and Medical Emergencies

In the event of a health emergency, please contact Reception or Security who will locate the nearest first aider, or call 999 as appropriate.

If calling for an ambulance, you will need to give the name address of the centre, which is as follows:

The Fire Fighters Charity
Marine Court
Fitzalan Road
West Sussex
BN17 5NF
Tel: 01903 736 063 (Reception)

We have first aiders on site, but if you require a doctor out of hours, you can find their contact details here. Please advise Reception / Security if a call-out visit is to take place, so we can direct them to your accommodation. All accidents (or near misses) that occur on site should be reported to Reception.

Fire evacuation

In the event of a fire please evacuate your accommodation without stopping to remove personal belongings. Do not use the lift or re-enter the building until you have been given permission. Your fire assembly point is shown on the back of your bedroom door.

Guests staying in the main centre should sound the alarm by using one of the breakpoints located throughout the building. Please familiarise yourself with your room’s fire plan evacuation scheme.

Weekly fire alarm test

We test the alarms every Wednesday at 11am. These should sound for no longer than 20 seconds. If the alarm sounds for longer, please follow evacuation procedures.