Thriving Relationships Survey

Have you worked in the fire service and been in a relationship? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone in the fire service? We want to hear from you!

Why take part?

  • Help us understand more about how fire service life impacts relationships
  • Shape the future of our support for everyone impacted by fire service life, past or present
  • Share your experiences in a confidential survey
  • Be entered into a prize draw for a self-catering holiday or one of three £50 Amazon vouchers*

We know that the unique pressures of fire service life can impact relationships with loved ones, and we often see the effects of these challenges firsthand. By anonymously sharing your experiences, positive or otherwise, you will help us to inform and shape wellbeing support services for couples across the fire family.

Who should take part?

This survey is particularly relevant to relationships where you or your partner are in a role which involves attending or resolving incidents now, or in the past, such as:

  • Wholetime Firefighter
  • On-call Firefighter
  • Control Room
  • Support Role
  • Retired from any of the above

Before you take part in this research, please spend a few minutes reading through the information sheet so you understand what is being asked of you and what the research is for.

Once you have read through this information, please submit the consent statement below to confirm that you have read and understand it.

Information sheet

  • Survey Consent Statement

    Survey Consent Statement

    Please read each of the following statements carefully. By consenting to take part in this survey you are agreeing:

    • That I am over the age of 18 years and that I have voluntarily agreed to participate in this online survey.
    • That I have read and fully understood the information sheet provided.
    • That I understand the generic aims of the survey.
    • That I understand that my data will be kept securely and that I consent to the researcher using my anonymised data within the research.
    • That my data will be collected and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
    • To have my anonymised responses shared in publications as part of the general trends and patterns.
    • That I understand my rights to withdraw at any point during the survey without giving reason, up until the point that I submit my data.
    • That I have the Researcher’s contact details if I should require to contact them with any queries.
    • That I understand that participation in the survey may cause distress due to the potentially sensitive nature of the topic.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

In collaboration with Nottingham Trent University, Relate at Family Action, and Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service.

*Prize draw terms and conditions apply. Prize to be taken outside of peak season periods (31 March – 31 October). The prize draw is open to eligible service users of Fire Fighters Charity only, excluding charity employees.