If you haven’t already, please register your car wash event with us. Scroll down to see our Car Wash toolkit resources.

Register your station

Fundraising Event Notification Form

If your event is not taking place at a fire station, if you are splitting the money raised with another charity, or if other activities like food stalls are taking place, you will need to complete a FEN form and contact our Customer Care Team.

Media Tips

A guide to promoting your event to the local media. Ask for support from your organisation's communications team where needed.

Car Wash Banner

We have Car Wash banners in stock for your event but if have a local printer willing to support you, we can send you printable artwork for them to use.

Gift Aid Form

Raise 25% more by using this form to collect names and addresses with your donations.

Spotify Playlist

Planning a car wash? Here's some great tunes to ignite your creativity and won't burst any bubbles.