Improving your muscle strength and balance is one of the most effective things you can do throughout your life – and continuing with regular exercise is particularly important as you move into retirement age and beyond.

Certain workout routines can really improve your overall fitness and strength, helping you to stay safe and steady on your feet while subsequently preventing falls and injuries.

To help you on the way, we’ve recorded two short exercise videos – one to try if you have access to a gym, and another you can try from home.

Both of these are higher intensity workouts, so it’s important you attempt them at your own pace, and only do what you feel comfortable with.

Please note: When undertaking exercise or wellness activities of any kind, please also ensure that you do so in an appropriate and safe environment, taking all necessary measures to ensure your personal safety and that of those around you. We recommend consulting with your doctor before beginning any new exercise programme.

Gym workout:

Home workout:

You can contact our Support Line on 0800 3898820 to speak with one of our assessment practitioners about how we might be able to support you, whatever you’re going through, or register for MyFFC and visit the ‘Access Support’ tab.

Try our online courses and Groups on MyFFC

Online courses

Our full courses are designed to run over a number of weeks, to equip you with information and tools to overcome whatever life throws at you.

You can also join our Groups in MyFFC, where you can chat to others going through similar experiences and access advice and peer support. Just ensure you’re registered with MyFFC and head to the ‘Groups’ tab at the top.

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