Our latest issue of Shout! magazine is out now, packed full of health and wellbeing features, videos, stories and much more – all of which can be accessed in a new, interactive issue below.
In it, we’re shining a spotlight on the many ways we can help on-call firefighters and their families.
Click the link below to read our interactive version, complete with videos and quick links through to further content.
On pages 6-9, we share how we’ll be launching a campaign to ensure that every on-call and volunteer firefighter in the UK understands how we can support them and their family.
Meanwhile, we’ve also shared news about our new Chief Executive, Sherine Wheeler, being appointed, after our outgoing Chief Executive, Dr Jill Tolfrey, announced she was handing over the reins.
Jill shares a goodbye message at the start of the issue, as well as some of her personal memories later on of the power of regular giving, and the difference she’s seen your donations make over the last 10 years.
We’ve included a centre spread poster with all our residential programmes for the rest of the year, so make sure to pin it to your noticeboard and spread the word round your office, station and family.
And we’re encouraging you to plan a Fire Family Fundraiser this summer for us, with a host of ideas on pages 24-25.
Elsewhere, you’ll find on-call firefighter Iwan Ward’s story on pages 10-11. He and his family were supported after he went through a difficult time at work.
And on p13 we offer you the opportunity to help shape the future of Shout! and all the ways we share content with you in a survey.
Read all of that and more, as well as accessing further information and videos via quick links, in our interactive issue below. You can also watch all of the videos in our Shout! playlist here.