Our rest and recharge breaks provide some much-needed time-out when you’re experiencing challenges in your life.

Whether you or a family member of yours is going through health complications, you’re facing a difficult time, or you’re just in need of some time away, these stays provide you with the space and opportunity to unwind, relax and reflect on your wellbeing and yourself.

And now, in addition to our usual rest and recharge stays, we also have availability in the main building at Harcombe House in the weeks of 24 July and 14 August.

Ideally suited to individuals or couples, the stays would be fully catered and you would be staying in a room in the main house. You’d have access to the gym and pool at set times, as well as our recreational facilities.

If attending one of these two weeks, you’d be invited to arrive from the Sunday before (either 23 June or 13 August) and leave the following Friday.

If you believe a stay on either of these weeks at Harcombe House would be beneficial to you, email us at WelfareServices@firefighterscharity.org.uk, stating ‘Summer 2023’ in the subject line and include a contact number. Then one of our team will be in touch.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to find out more about our other rest and recharge breaks, click here:

Rest and Recharge

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