The Jubilee House nursing team has been rated as ‘outstanding’ in the most recent inspection from the Care Quality Commission, a first for the team and for the charity.

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. An inspector visited Jubilee House in June to assess the team, who provide personal and nursing care for people with life-limiting conditions or injuries. And she was delighted with what she saw.

“People who stayed here received extremely high-quality, personalised support from an exceptionally well-led service,” the inspector writes in her report. “People said the service was ‘life changing’ and ‘amazing’ in successfully helping them to learn skills to manage their conditions, as well as enjoying a very fulfilling and sociable short break.”

Having taken the time to speak with beneficiaries, she could see the genuinely positive impact their time at the centre has on both their physical and psychological wellbeing: “The service was exceptional at helping people achieve positive outcomes and building confidence and independence.”

She praised the ‘full commitment’ of ‘kind, considerate and empathetic’ staff in providing a person-centred service. Members of the team told her they were proud to work for the service and that they received ‘superb support from the organisation and their colleagues’. As a result, beneficiaries told her they had ‘absolute faith’ in staff, as they were so knowledgeable.

“People and their relatives told us the service provided care that was exceptional and contrasted dramatically from any other provision they had experienced,” she writes. “People said the service made a remarkable difference to their independence. The service provided bespoke therapeutic support and superb resources and equipment for people to gain new skills and become more independent, even after they had returned home.”

Improving on the last inspection – rated as ‘good’ in December 2016 – the inspector praised the development of ‘significant new initiatives’ to support and improve people’s own independence and skills when they returned home.

The inspection result continues a year of success stories for the nursing team, after a successful application to the Care Quality Commission has seen them able to support an extra hundred beneficiaries each year, thanks to an increase in its dedicated bedroom space.

“We are delighted to have received an ‘Outstanding’ rating from the CQC,” says Director of Beneficiary Services Sharon Bailey. “As part of the original nursing team at Jubilee House back in 1995 I have been privileged to watch the service develop over the years and I am proud of every individual who has made this rating possible.  This rating acknowledges and recognises the hard work that Kath, our nurses, clinical assistants and all the team at Jubilee House do in ensuring our beneficiaries receive the exceptional care they deserve.”

Kath Savage, the charity’s Nursing Services Lead added that; “It’s an absolute privilege to be able to provide the support and care to our beneficiaries when they need it the most. Often this support is extended to their spouses/carers – to whom we also know we make a huge difference. I am so proud of the team and all we have achieved, and to have our achievements recognised by CQC is just fantastic.”

You can read the full report here: