You’ve washed thousands of cars, climbed mountains, swam, ran, baked and so much more this month in aid of us – so thank you so much to all of you!

We’ve seen some incredible challenges, donations and cheque presentations throughout March, all of which will make such a vital difference to the support we offer you and your colleagues across our fire services community.

One Dorset firefighter took on the epic challenge of walking to Everest Base Camp in aid of us:

Meanwhile a group of LFB cadets ran a bucket collection on International Women’s Day to raise funds for us, and The Churchill Foundation generously donated Β£1000 to Hampshire and Isle of Wight FRS representatives for us – with another donation coming soon too.

And we saw some incredible Car Washes to mark Mega March this month, including one by Carlisle East Fire Station which raised Β£2,138. Thank you to all of you who organised one and took part!

Don’t forget, you can share your amazing fundraising achievements, encourage others and share ideas on My Fire Fighters Charity. We have a series of dedicated groups you can join. Just register now and head to the β€˜Groups’ tab at the top of the My Fire Fighters Charity homepage.


Cheque presentation for Β£1,000 from money raised at Patterdale Dog Day to The Fire Fighters Charity. Credit: Cumberland and Westmorland Herald

“Every day firefighters risk their lives to save others, so this is my way of saying thank you”


“This is something that’s very dear to both my brothers as they’re both in the fire service”


“I admire all the work you do”


“I made use of the Charity 20 years ago”


“You don’t get thanked enough for the dangerous work you do! Thank you all, inc. background staff”


“I donated because this is a fantastic cause”


“I donated after I visited an open day and heard about you”


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