Have you heard about our holiday rentals?

All year round, we’re pleased to offer you the chance to book a holiday with us at one of our picturesque centres across the UK. But this is a holiday with a difference…

Each time you book, you’ll be directly supporting the UK’s fires services community, as every pound will help ensure we can continue offering our vital support to thousands of beneficiaries every year.

Richard Jenkins, Head of Estates and Facilities at The Fire Fighters Charity, says: “How often can you say that your holiday changed someone’s life for the better? Every time someone books a break with The Fire Fighters Charity, that’s what they’re doing – they’re helping to fund life-changing services for members of the UK’s fire services community.

“So we’re delighted to offer the fire community and members of the public the chance to holiday with us, utilising our accommodation when it’s not being used by our beneficiaries.

“As a charity, we rely wholly on the generosity of our supporters and donors, but we are facing a hugely challenging time at the moment in terms of raising the funds we need to operate our services. Today, the cost of living crisis has meant that more people are now coming to us for support. However, the reduction in people’s disposable income and other external factors have conspired to see our fundraising income decline, to an unsustainable level.

“We want to support everyone who asks for our help. So, finding alternative ways to raise the millions we need each year is therefore now more important than ever. By offering vacant accommodation at our centres to holidaymakers, we can generate some of that vital income, meaning that those who stay with us will be making a genuinely life-changing difference to those in need.”

Partnering with Sykes Cottages, we are now able to offer competitive prices for holidaymakers, as well as a live 24/7 online availability and booking system – something that we were previously unable to provide ourselves. We have self-catered bungalows and apartments available to book at Harcombe House in Devon, Marine Court in Littlehampton and Jubilee House in Cumbria, with great facilities available at each of our sites to make your holiday one to remember.

Find out more and book your next rental break with us now:

Book a holiday with us

The difference your holiday is making…

By taking a break with us you’ll be helping to support families like the Jacksons, who needed time away following life-changing health diagnoses.

Read more about the people you’ll help

Rest and Recharge when you need to

As well as providing the opportunity to book a rental break away, we’re also delighted to be able to offer our beneficiaries a chance to Rest and Recharge with us when life takes a challenging and often unexpected turn.

Available at all three of our centres, our Rest and Recharge programme is available to those who feel that they would benefit from some time away. Perhaps an unexpected health diagnosis has knocked you for six, or you’ve been struggling recently as a result of some tough shouts, or maybe some unexpected circumstances have meant that life has become difficult for you or a loved one. Whatever your reason, recognising that you might benefit from a change of scenery is the first step. Talking to us about a Rest and Recharge break is the next step.

Call our Support Line on 0800 3898820 or fill in our Get Support form to find out more.

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Book your holiday

Enjoy a memorable holiday while also helping to support our fire family.