Two Hampshire firefighters have rowed across the Atlantic, battling extreme conditions over 64 days to raise vital funds for us and mental health charity Solent Mind.

Stu Vince, from St Mary’s Fire Station in Southampton, and Craig Sadler, from Cosham Fire Station in Portsmouth, set off from La Gomera in the Canary Islands on 12 December and arrived to crowds of supporters lining the shore in Antigua on 15 February.

Source: Atlantic Campaigns

The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is known as the world’s toughest row – and for Stu and Craig, who’d never rowed a distance like it before, it proved a tremendous challenge.

Having both overcome mental health problems themselves, they wanted to test themselves to the limit to not only raise vital funds for two charities close to their hearts, but also awareness of the mental health challenges they face every day.

Source: Atlantic Campaigns

“As serving fire fighters, Stu & Craig have had to overcome some form of mental health problem during their working life,” they stated before the challenge. “Coping with the loss of colleagues at work, the regular pressures of making life and death decisions whilst attending a wide variety of life threatening incidents or daily pressures such as keeping a roof over their families’ heads.

“It is of no surprise that over the last few years we have all witnessed a dramatic increase in mental health issues in the workplace which is why the team are determined to do something about it, for everyone’s benefit.”

Stu has received support from us previously, amid his own mental health battle. You can read his story here.

The pair recorded regular videos detailing some of the struggles they faced throughout the challenge, which included limited hot meals due to tech issues, strong winds, rough seas, homesickness and even hallucinations. While they described it as incredibly “tough”, they said focusing on their end goal kept them going.

Craig added: “It’s never been about winning, for us it’s the journey and not the destination. You’re just so isolated, you’re stripped right back to basics. There’s nowhere to go or hide, it is what it is. It goes back to less is more.”

Our Community Fundraiser Louise Furneaux said: “It’s been incredibly humbling to have watched Stu and Craig’s journey over the last two months, they’ve overcome some huge hurdles and should be so proud of themselves.

“On behalf of everyone at The Fire Fighters Charity, I want to wholeheartedly thank them for their support. Every pound they’ve raised will go such a long way towards helping us support our fire family whenever they need us.”

The pair have so far raised over £14,000 altogether, across both us and Solent Mind. To donate to their fundraising for us, click here, and to find out more about their challenge, visit their website here.

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