If you were in London on 7 April this year, you may have seen two firefighters running through the streets in full kit and carrying heavy breathing apparatus.

That’s because Watch Manager Nathan Bringloe and Station Manager Richard Davies were completing the London Landmarks Half Marathon on the day, raising funds for us and two other charities.

The pair, from Mid and West Wales FRS, chose to support us having seen and heard about our support.

Nathan says: “We’re both firefighters so we know the work that the charity does with personnel across Wales and the wider UK.

“I’ve been to Harcombe House in Devon myself, back in 2012, after an ankle injury and it was amazing. They helped me with intense physio and a personalised fitness programme. I could have been off work for up to four months with that injury, but thanks to the charity, I was back in 6-7 weeks.

“Supporting the charity is embedded in us at an early stage of our career, given what it can do for us and our families. I think it’s key we always keep raising awareness around the benefits it brings to us all.”

And Richard adds: “Friends of mine have used the charity and it’s been a huge support to them. I think we need to remember that just because you don’t need it now, doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. This support is there for us into retirement, it’s lifelong. Raising awareness of it now is so important.”

The London Landmarks Half Marathon is an annual event, and one the pair hope to do again in the future in aid of us.

“It was by far the most electrifying half I’ve done,” says Nathan. “I’d highly recommend it to people. Without that atmosphere, I think I’d have still been there four hours later!”

Nathan and Richard also raised funds for Prince Phillip Hospital Breast Care Unit and Breast Cancer Now with their fundraising ahead of the event.

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