Fire service personnel – from firefighters and control room staff on the frontline, to support staff and all those working tirelessly behind the scenes – deserve to be celebrated every day.

But today, in particular, is a chance to honour and thank them for their ongoing dedication and service, as we mark Emergency Services Day.

Sherine Wheeler, Chief Executive of Fire Fighters Charity, says: “I’d like to thank every member of our fire and rescue services for all they do to protect and serve their communities every day. Their tireless dedication and service is truly inspiring.

“We’re proud to offer a wide range of health and wellbeing services to these selfless individuals and their families so they can live healthier and happier lives.

“To our fire family, we’re here for you, today and every day.”

At 9am, on 9 September, there will be a two-minutes’ silence to remember all those emergency service staff who have lost their lives as a result of their service to our nation. Please join with us in taking this time for reflection, and in thanking all our emergency services for the incredible work they do.

We are here for all fire and rescue service personnel, both working and retired, as well as their dependants, offering specialist health and wellbeing support to empower them live happier and healthier. And that support lasts a lifetime.

But we couldn’t do it without your ongoing donations.

By signing up now to give a regular donation, you are directly supporting thousands of our beneficiaries every year. Visit Thank you.