We’ll keep this page constantly updated with all of our latest news and updates for families in our fire services community, as well as any upcoming programmes you might be interested in joining.

Upcoming family programmes:

Latest family news:

Support for 16 to 17 year olds

With increasing numbers of young people facing challenges with their mental health, there’s a growing need for dedicated support for them – and you, their families.

We have listened to your concerns and, based on the feedback provided by our beneficiaries, we have partnered with an organisation called Livelife to offer online therapy sessions to support your 16/17 year old.

Find out more

See inside our family zone at Harcombe House:

We recently opened Furze Cottage, a new family area for adults and children of all ages, offering anyone staying on a break to rest and recharge a welcoming space to connect with others. See all the photos and find out more here:

Furze Cottage