It can be hard enough trying to navigate the implications of periods of ill health or bereavement on your mental or physical wellbeing, without having to worry about the impact on your social wellbeing. And unfortunately, life carries on with no concern for the difficult circumstances we may be trying to adjust to.

That’s why we’re here to help you work your way through whatever you’re facing.

Support through ill health

Whether it’s a long or short-term diagnosis, if your injury or illness is affecting your ability to live each day without disruption, we may be able to help.

We can support you with the provision of specialist equipment or larger-scale home adaptations to make life easier, as well as being able to provide small financial aids or the installation of smaller adaptations that will have a huge impact on your quality of life. We can offer advice on mobility issues or signpost you to specialist organisations who can support with specific conditions, or help you find local support groups where you can meet like-minded people experiencing something similar.

We can also signpost you towards any statutory entitlements or specialist grant funding you be able to access, as well as give advice and information on care at home or residential care support in your community.

We understand the financial implication of trying to be there for a loved one who needs visits for medical appointments, so may be able to help by covering some of the travel or accommodation costs to remove one worry from an already long list.

In order to give you a break following a period of ill health, we may also invite you for a recuperative break at one of our centres. You and your loved ones can enjoy some much-needed relaxation time while we take care of you. We also run a number of specialist Child and Family Weeks throughout the year, where we invite families with specific needs to spend time with us in a safe, judgement-free space.

We also work closely with other teams within the charity to ensure you’re getting the best possible support. This may include a referral to our physio team to help with mobility or movement issues, contacting our psychological team so you can discuss the impact on your mental health, or passing you into the care of our outstanding nursing team.

Kieran’s story

When London firefighter Kieran Egan’s son needed extensive surgery to remove tumours from his ears, the we provided financial support so travel and accommodation could be one less thing to worry about.

“During all of my son’s hospital visits, I could rely on the charity while my family relied on me. He’s the bravest little soul I know for what he’s been through. He’s our little superhero.”

Read their story here.

Support through bereavement

When it comes to the journey of losing a loved one, there is no right path. But we will do our best to try and remove some of the practical worries you may be facing, to leave you free to focus on this next chapter of your life.

We can explain some of the practical sides of loss you may not be familiar with, including how to register the death or where to find help with funeral costs. We can also provide you with bereavement support and when it feels right for you, we may be able to offer you a course of telephone or online counselling or invite you for a stay at one of our centres.

Megan’s story

When Hayward’s Heath firefighter Mark Butler passed away in May 2019, he left behind him a legacy that will never be forgotten in Sussex. His daughter, Megan, shares how the charity helped her process her grief in the months that followed.

“I had to learn who I was again, not the girl whose dad had died. I knew I could trust and rely on the charity, so I reached out for help. They really helped me with the acceptance stage of my grieving process.”

Read her story here.