A life-changing health diagnosis can be an unsettling, difficult time for you and your family, as you adjust to a new way of life. We understand what an impact chronic or degenerative conditions can have on your life, affecting both your mental and physical health.
We’re here to help you navigate your health condition and its impact on your life, and we can support you with however it may be affecting your sense of wellbeing.
Chronic conditions
Conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia can all make daily life a challenge. If living in pain, being unable to exercise or having your mobility affected is upsetting your normal life, or you feel like you have no where else to turn, let us help. We can prescribe a solution that is personalised to your specific condition.
Degenerative conditions
We can support beneficiaries who have been diagnosed with degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s or cancer, signposting you to specialist organisations who may be able to help you. We can also support you through life-changing events such as a stroke or serious injury. For those with long-term or degenerative conditions, accessing specialist support can be a challenge at what is already an upsetting, difficult time. We have the expertise within the charity to help you adjust to changing levels of movement or independence, while supporting you in accessing any statutory benefits you may be entitled to. We also have a carer network to support your loved ones as they support you.
Psychological support
Stress, anxiety and depression can unfortunately often follow a life-changing health diagnosis, so we work closely with all our relevant practitioners to ensure all aspects of your health and wellbeing are covered. We will offer you the chance to speak to someone about the impact your condition is taking on your mental health, giving you a safe, judgement-free space to air anything that might be on your mind.
We can offer you a course of telephone or video counselling so you have a trusted ear to turn to when things feel tough, as well as providing ongoing support through resources and community to connect you with like-minded people.
Welfare support
We work closely with our Welfare Services team to help you access specialist support out in your community. We can signpost to local organisations that may be experts in your particular diagnosis, advise on applying for any statutory benefits you may be entitled to and help ensure your home is fit for you to maintain your independence.
Nursing care
For certain life-limiting conditions, we may invite you to spend time at Jubilee House under the care of our nursing team. Our “outstanding” Nursing Team provides round-the-clock care to beneficiaries with additional needs, helping you to maintain a sense of independence while you’re with us. We’ll support you with all aspects during your residential stay to get the most out of your time with us, as well as giving some much-needed respite time for your carer, who is welcome to attend with you if you’d like.