Alongside the psychological support we offer in our centres, we can offer you a number of one-to-one counselling sessions with our experienced psychological professionals, either online or by telephone, whichever you’d prefer.
This talking therapy is tailored to meet your individual needs and our counsellors will create a confidential space for you to be able to speak freely and without judgement about whatever issues are on your mind
Our counsellors will encourage you to talk about whatever is making your life more complicated. This exploration gives you an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of your difficulties. Together, you’ll plot a course of action that allows you to navigate your way through issues, either by overcoming them or developing strategies that will help you to cope with them.
To find out more please call us on 0800 389 8820 or make an enquiry online.
Getting help in a crisis
If your life is at risk right now, you feel like you might attempt suicide, or you may have seriously harmed yourself, you need urgent medical help. Please call 999 for an ambulance, go straight to A&E (if it’s safe to do so) or call Fire Fighters Charity’s 24/7 Crisis Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Immediate and ongoing suicide and mental health crisis care for past and present UK fire services personnel. Call: 0300 373 0896.
Find more about getting help in a crisis here.
Other sources of support when we are not available
The Samaritans
Available round the clock, every single day of the year, for anyone who is struggling to cope. You can call Samaritans for free from any phone on 116 123, email them at [email protected] or visit their website to find details of your nearest branch.
Text Bluelight to 85258 for 24/7 support from Shout, a dedicated text service for members of the Emergency Service community. You can find more information via their website.
Refuge for Women and Children against domestic violence
Run in partnership with Women’s Aid and Refuge, there is a free 24-hour national domestic violence helpline for those facing violence or abuse. Support can be accessed by calling 0808 2000 247 or visiting their website.