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Getting Started
Choosing a fundraiser | Target setting | Creating your fundraising page | Splitting fundraising between charities
Collecting Donations
Promoting your fundraiser | Livestreaming | Cash handling | Banking | Gift Aid | Insurance
Getting Started
Choosing a fundraiser
Choose an activity or event that you’re interested in or that inspires you. If you enjoy it, you’re more likely to keep at it, raise more money and complete it. If you want to do something but aren’t sure what to do, take a look at our events page and register for one of our fundraising challenges. You can also contact your Regional Fundraiser to discuss ideas and get some guidance on what activity would work best for you.
If you fancy an overseas trekking challenge or be part of an organised cycle event – take a look at the exciting activities provided by external providers Discover Adventure and Global Adventure. Good News! You’ll receive the same level of support and guidance from us as you would if you were organising your own event.
View our events contact our fundraising team
Target setting
If you’ve registered for a Charity place in one of our events it may come with a minimum fundraising amount. This will give you a guide on what target to set yourself. If you’re not sure what to aim for have a look at our guide on breaking down your target month by month to help you decide what would be achievable.
Creating your fundraising page
Fundraising online has never been easier, thanks to free, customisable websites such as JustGiving, People’s Fundraising and Facebook Fundraising. But how do you know where to start? Click the button below
How to create your fundraising page
Splitting fundraising between charities
We understand that there are many causes close to people’s hearts, so if you’d like to support another charity as well as us, you could split the funds raised in just a few simple steps. Click the button below to find out more:
How to split fundraising events
Collecting Donations
Promoting your fundraiser
So you’ve decided to hold a fundraising event to raise money for Fire Fighters Charity and want to spread the word. What now? Check out our guide for tips on how to promote your efforts and raise as much money as you can.
Set-up a livestream to get more people involved in your fundraising challenge. You could play your favourite game, share your musical talents or broadcast your running challenge. The only limit is your imagination.
Cash handling
There are a number of golden rules when dealing with Charity money, so here’s everything you need to know.
- Under Charity law, all donations in money or goods become the property of the charity from the moment of giving, and all funds raised for a charity must go to that charity.
- Money should be counted and signed for by two people (aged over 16) in a secure environment on the Double Signature Form. Please contact our Customer Care Team for more information on [email protected] or 01256 366566.
- Money should be banked in the charity’s bank account within three days of the event.
- No money should be left unattended, taken home by individuals, or held in a non-Charity bank or building society account.
- If you are using collection buckets, these must have sealed lids. The seals should only be broken when counting the money with two people present.
- Only those aged 16 or over should be collecting money in public.
- Nobody should be unreasonably pressured into donating to the charity.
You can find our simple guide leaflet to save or print off below:
Remember, the safest place for your money is in the charity’s bank account. We have a guide on how to pay in money raised to the charity. When you bank your money we also ask that you complete our online monies return form. This will help ensure the money you have raised is allocated and thanked correctly.
Gift Aid
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on any donation made by a UK taxpayer, meaning we get more from donations at no extra cost to our donors.
If they are a UK income tax or capital gains tax payer, Fire Fighters Charity can reclaim the basic rate tax they have paid on donations from the HMRC, meaning we get an extra 25% on top of every donation! So, for example, if someone donates £10, we can claim an extra £2.50 from the Government without them having to donate an extra penny.
We have a full Gift Aid guide with all the information and rules you need to know, along with links to download the forms you’ll need.
We may be able to provide public liability insurance cover for your fundraising event. View our Event Insurance page for more information and an insurance FAQ.