We know it can be a little daunting to create a will, so we’re here with some of the more frequently asked questions. However, we recommend that you also seek professional advice from a solicitor.

Why should I have a will?

Making a will ensures that your wishes are met, so your loved ones and the causes you care about are looked after in the future.

I’m young, can’t writing a will wait?

Hopefully it’s not something you’ll have to worry about for a long time, but let’s face it, life is unpredictable. Better to take care of it now so you can be safe in the knowledge that your loved ones are cared for, should something happen.

What happens if I don’t have a will?

If someone dies without leaving a will, they are said to have died intestate. If this happens, the law decides who gets what and how much. If you do not have a wife, husband, civil partner or children, your estate will go to a more distant relative. If you have no relatives and you don’t have a will, the state will get everything, which may not be the way you wish to leave your possessions.

Is it expensive to write one?

No, not necessarily. The cost of writing a will doesn’t need to be expensive as most solicitors will charge very reasonable rates for simple wills.

Can you recommend a solicitor?

Unfortunately not, but the Law Society can advise on finding local solicitors. You can find their contact details here whether you’re in England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Or alternatively, you can contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

How can I donate to Fire Fighters Charity in my will?

After you’ve provided for those you care for, leaving a proportion of your estate is a great way of making a difference to a cause you care about, like Fire Fighters Charity. Whether it’s a percentage of your estate or a fixed sum, this is a wonderful way to recognise the role the fire service has played in your life.

Can I afford to donate to you?

Most people are surprised by the value of their total estate, which is why we’ve provided a handy asset calculator. But a gift in a will doesn’t need to be enormous to make a difference; however much you can afford to leave us will make a huge difference to our beneficiaries.

What about Inheritance Tax?

Leaving money to a charity can reduce the amount of tax you’ll pay. Find all you need to know about Inheritance Tax and the most up-to-date thresholds by visiting www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax.